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Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 3.75
The ʻuku is on the feather, the feather is on the bird, and where is the bird? Let’s find out!
Softcover, 16 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 3.75
Using the locational sentence structure, we follow Kalaʻi as he looks for his school bag.
Softcover, 16 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 4.75
Explore native animals of the upland and their habitats through a fun picture guessing game.
Softcover, 24 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 3.75
Learn when to use the appropriate terms for “it is over there” and “it is right here.”
Softcover, 16 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 3.75
Before surfing, we must complete out responsibilities.
Softcover, 16 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 3.25
A girl expresses her great love for her Tūtū.
Softcover, 12 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 3.25
Gather all the supplies you need for a holoholo trip.
Softcover, 12 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 7.00
Learn how to count and the different sounds animals make with Moahelu.
Softcover, 20 pages.
E Hoʻomākaukau Kākou I Ka Meaʻai
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 4.50
Learn the different terms for cooking while preparing for a feast.
Softcover, 20 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 3.25
Learn some common words used when paddling.
Softcover, 12 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 7.00
Kamalu is filled with excitement as she eagerly awaits the birth of her baby sister and looks forward to her kuleana as the oldest child.
Softcover, 36 pgs.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 10.50
A story of the endangered ‘alalā, the native Hawaiian crow, and the issues involved with its survival.
Softcover, 72 pgs.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 4.50
Practice the verb tenses “Ua,” “Ke–nei,” and “E–ana" while preparing for a party.
Softcover, 20 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 5.00
A fun story that teaches the exceptions to the rule for using the word “the” in Hawaiian.
Softcover, 32 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 3.25
Explore some rooms of ʻIolani Palace.
Softcover, 12 pgs.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 6.25
A story about a supernatural woman named Kapoʻulakīnaʻu who was rescued and protected by Lupe at Hanakāʻape Channel.
Softcover, 44 pgs.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 3.25
Learn how to use the sentence structure “He aha..?” and how to answer the question.
Softcover, 12 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 3.25
Learn some words for different school supplies.
Softcover, 12 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 6.25
Kainoa learns about global warming and realizes that each of us have a kuleana to mālama the honua.
Softcover, 52 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 5.25
Enjoy a Hawaiian language story that a grandmother tells her grand-daughter while on their way to the ʻAha Aloha ʻŌlelo.
Softcover, 24 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 6.75
A traditional story about how the ‘anae arrived in Kaipāpaʻu on the island of Oʻahu.
Softcover, 32 pages.
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 4.75
The tale of Kāneʻalohi, who lives peacefully with his father until an intruder appears.
Softcover, 28 pages.
He Keiki Kaona, He Keiki Kuaʻāina
Hale Kuamoʻo price: $ 6.25
Kalani is from Honolulu, but goes to visit his cousins in the country side. Read about life in the city and country.
Softcover, 48 pages